Friday, December 30, 2011

A response about HP's flaming-printer.

If you feel that your printer runs different or something strange on its function. It is better to start worrying about your printing machine, because there might be unauthorized person accessing it.

Hewlett-Packard (HP) Company recently released a firmware update concerning the reports of consumers and experts that some of their printer products can be set into flame. This update said by the firm can fix the weakness of the LaserJet's firmware and make its security more reliable to the users.

So, how this kind of printer set into flame by hackers?

Back in November of 2011, according to the reports of MSNBC a group of researchers in Columbia University found out that some LaserJet printer models from HP contains a remote firmware updates. Researchers did offer an update on its firmware accompanied with malicious software that enables unauthorized access to take control of the printer.

After accomplishing the task of taking control of your printer, they can do harmful tasks like accessing your information, disabling your printer and the worst is setting it into flame. How they can do it? It is simply continuous heating up the ink-drying component of the laser printer to set in on fire.

How can I avoid or fix the firmware problem?

To avoid this to happen on your printer, you can update it on the company's support website (HP support) under "Drivers" category to make sure that you will get the real product update. But as of now, if your printer was already controlled or accessed by the hacker there is no way to get rid of it or even reverse the process. This firmware is not like a virus on your PC that you can delete or quarantine when the proper antivirus update came. Once you got the firmware, you own it forever.

To make it more safe, try to add firewall on your network security. This will help protecting your exposure over the network and disallow unauthorized firmware upload to your laser printer.

Want to know more about HP? visit their website at, but if you are looking for great quality toner cartridges like the HP 128A laser toner cartridges you can have them now on stores near you or search it online to save your money using coupons.

Denise Rasalan
Owner, Great Prints Solutions

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