Wednesday, January 4, 2012

After the holidays, lots of business are thinking of a great come back this year. Most of them wants to start a good and bountiful year, with of course a cost efficient strategy.

Since that this blog focus on printing technology and industry, I will provide some tips to help you cut the printing expenses and save more money. The best way to start is to look for your printing process and separate the "wants" versus your "business needs". For example if you are always printing multiple pages, try the double sided printing process or the duplex printing.

Second way on cutting down the cost on printing is to use cheaper recycled paper when you are about to print internal document or information that does not need a quality printing and presentation. It is the good way of lowering the expense without affecting the standards of your company.

Third, Talk to employees or encourage them to read online or through their computers if possible instead of printing it out.

Finally, Match your machine where it best works for. If you are using HP printing machines using HP cartridges where it best works with. It can help you save more money and electricity.

In the end, if you are running a printing business start to purchase different products in bulk, most specially when buying inkjet cartridge and laser toner cartridge like Hewlett-Packard (HP) toner cartridges in able to avail great deals. Find out more best deals over the internet check out my "Deals of the Month" page.

Denise Rasalan
Owner, Great Prints Solutions

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  1. Purchasing toner cartridges online can be very cost effective for companies. Companies offer great ink and toner deals and packages for the best prices.

  2. You are right jennifersign, most specially when they purchase in bulk orders.

  3. I’ve been seeking for info about this topic. Beware of cheap products other merchants that can leak or damage your printer. ^_^

  4. I think recycled paper is a great idea for companies, as most of what they need to print is for short-term use only. I have also tried refillable ink cartridges and they simply are just not good enough with poor print quality.

    I searched for other ways to save money on printing and found that it is cheaper to print using Times New Roman instead of Arial saves you about 30% per document straight away as it is a lot thinner. Using a font size a little smaller than your current obviously helps a great deal as well.

    Hope this helps! :) I'll continue to look for cheaper loop holes in printing!

    Best Wishes,

    Kathy Blackmore | Cartridge Shop

  5. I think companies now need a strategy for saving money on printing and paper put in place to be implemented on a daily basis effectively. This would require a lot of time and effort but in the long run could up saving a vast amount, perhaps changing a break even company into a profitable business.

    Kind Regards,

    Jimmy Jones | Office King


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