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What is QR Code?
QR code or also known as the Quick Response Code is a type of two-dimensional code or matrix bar code to allow its content to be decoded at high-speed. According to Paul Portratz on ThinkTankTuesday it was first designed for the automotive industry by Toyota back in 1994 to track vehicles on its manufacturing process. This technology was recently recognized in the U.S. and used for marketing and advertising.
The value of QR Code in marketing and how to use it
You can now improve your marketing and help boost your sales using this technology. You can visit different videos and blogging sites to learn more ways on how to use Quick Response (QR) Code.
How did I implement this on my marketing strategy?
Using my laser printer equipped with Lexmark toner cartridges, I printed my flyers with QR code, give instruction on how to use it, and emphasize it to easily recognized by individuals. I tracked the traffic using Google Analytics and It increased my traffic by 27%, I guess that is not bad for a newbie like me. By the way you can use remanufactured toner cartridges than the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) brand to save more money in printing your marketing or advertising materials.
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